Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Descent 2 (D2X-XL) 1.18.74 - Free Download

Descent 2 (D2X-XL) 1.18.74 - Free Download

  D2X-XL is a modification of Descent OpenGL classic video games. D2X-XL is a modification of the original Descent 1 and 2 the source code that allows it to play two great matches this on modern hardware. With the D2X-XL, you can relive these two matches and make them look good (almost) as the original, or enable a whole slew of enhancements that have been added to the D2X-XL and provide a much better appearance.

  D2X-XL allows you to play Descent Descent 1 and 2 with the program, using the elements of the right game and the behavior of each title. Despite the enhancements, D2X-XL is 100% true to the original game, which allows you to turn off all the extras and play Descent 1 and 2 only the way they look back on the day when they were new.

  Because many enhancements, D2X-XL offers greatly enhanced single player experience as well as improve and expand the multiplayer capabilities.

  D2X-XL offers enhancements in every area of ​​the game. Here is a brief, incomplete list of what you can expect from the D2X-XL:

visual Improvements

  • high resolution textures, models, sounds
  • Colored, lightmap based lighting and per-pixel lighting
  • New effects: smoke, lightning, light, glare volumetric, enhanced blast
  • Effect of new gun: Light and smoke way, tracking, lightning, bullet cases
  • Effect of new vessels: Dynamic shielding effect, fire booster

stereoscopic Rendering

  • support Oculus Rift
  • Supports 3D TV
  • anaglyph rendering

Improved multiplayer

  • UDP / IP makes network fits directly over the internet may
  • manufacture of games through the built-in game tracker
  • Up to 16 players per game
  • new game modes Real CTF, Entropy, Monsterball, Darkness
  • automatic download of the missing multiplayer level
  • Modus special competition

additional physics

  • Improved collision detection and physics
  • conduct independent framerate weapons
  • Weapons physics flexible
  • slow motion bullet time

===>> Click here to Download Descent 2 (D2X-XL) 1.18.74

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