Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Fleep - Free Download

Fleep - Free Download

  Fleep enable communication within and across organizations - be it team chat, communication projects or 1: 1 conversation.

met Fleep
  The next generation is built for collaboration envoy main projects: chatting, lightweight tasks and integration with the tools you use. Easily create conversations with your team - whether it's your internal team, your project teams that include external partners, or group of people, really. Including people in the conversation with their email address - if they are not users Fleep yet, they will receive all email messages are normal.

Ultimate team communication
  Unlike other teams envoy, Fleep is an open network. This means that users can communicate with other users Fleep. Users can also belong to one or several teams that have participants from inside and outside their organizations, enabling major cooperation projects.

email compatibility
  Fleep is the only messenger that work in perfect synergy with email. Add anyone to the team Fleep or conversation with their email addresses - and they will receive all email messages normally until they register for Fleep.

Take with you
  Fleep is a multi-platform! Can be used on a PC or Mac, Android or iPhone. Internet connection is needed. files and messages are stored securely in the cloud, accessible from your device to log on.

Audio-video calling and screen sharing
  While this conversation Fleep text-based, sometimes you have to have a call to discuss things. Fleep has integration with Google Hangouts, so it's easy to have an audio or video call. Start the call with the click of a button - and all the people in the conversation can click on the Join link that appears to join the call.

===>> Click here to Download Fleep (Windows)

===>> Click here to Download Fleep (Mac OS)

===>> Click here to Download Fleep (Android)

===>> Click here to Download Fleep (Apple iOS)

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