Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tomahawk 0.8.4 - Free Download

Tomahawk 0.8.4 - Free Download

  Tomahawk is a music player that is fundamentally changing the way music is consumed and shared. It decouples the song name of the shared source of - and meet demand using all available sources.

  It creates a translation layer of universal repository of music, streaming services and geographic areas.

  Let's start with Tomahawk 0.5. It's the most obvious thing you'll notice is the view of the new network / playback controls, redesigned artist pages and pages of new tracks. But, we also have a new Preference settings and plug-in management, among others, now let you sync your Spotify track listing (bi-directional) and data Last.fm.

  We have also improved a bunch of interfaces and user experience by adding forward / back navigation controls, prioritize the completion of every song you try to play (no more waiting for all the tracks at the top of the list to complete before you can start listening), and add a button control media keyboard for Windows and Linux in addition to support for Mac we've got.

  A new Releases New features now available that lets you browse and play new releases by genre. This is a great companion to the existing Charts (including data on Hype Machine, We Hunted, Rdio, Spotify, iTunes, Billboard and more), and one great way to discover music you might love. You will also find detailed current track info page (from any list by clicking the "i" icon or the name of the song in the Now Playing window). On your page you can explore, play and queue songs related.

  There is also a new control. Besides easy to play the artist and album artwork directly from the grid view, we also now let you granularly control your Gtalk, Jabber and Twitter connection can stream from you. We also heard the request and adds support for you to be able to tell the Tomahawk to stop playing after a certain song in the list.

  A new widget share (in the Now Playing window) now lets you easily send your currently playing song to your favorite social networks. To better understand how to share the work, keep reading below about all the new things in Toma.hk to see how to share and play songs and playlists work for almost all recipients ... regardless of whether they use a Tomahawk or not.

  Last, but not least, the Tomahawk has now been translated into many languages ​​including Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Spanish (Castilian), Catalan, Russian, Polish and more. If your language is not fully translated or not supported, we will be happy to assist you in the localization.

  Remember, Tomahawk is open-source and survive on the contributions of others ... we can help support us through the code, donations (via Flattr) and our / or by purchasing some merchandise or new Tomahawk.

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