Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Firemin | Free Download

Firemin | Free Download

  Firemin is an application to resolve memory leaks or spending too much memory resource computer / laptop when using Mozilla Firefox browser.
  At each release of Firefox, they claim to have a memory system optimization better than before but the reality is different. Sometimes Firefox works fine but after a while the problem reappears even in normal browsing. If you use the option hibernate on your system then the problem will be more complicated. I have faced this problem when hibernatation. When I will restore Firefox crashed. We can solve most of the problems with the help Firemin Firefox's memory.The internet lovers may already know that Firefox requires quite a lot of memory resources, with a lot of tabs open on firefox will require approximately 200 to 300 MB of memory and this has resulted in computer crashes / hangs.This application uses a secure API function called EmptyWorkingSet that essentially force the process (in this case Firemin) to use the memory to a minimum. In other words, tell Firefox to retain a portion of system memory.With Firemin install on your computer and run it while using Firefox, the Firefox memory usage can be reduced by up to 95%. Which typically ranges from 400 MB can be only 3-15 MB only.

===>> Click here to Download Firemin (Installer)

===>> Click here to Download Firemin (Portabel)

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