Friday, October 28, 2016

Llama 1.2014.10.23.0945 Apks - Download

Llama 1.2014.10.23.0945 Apks - Download

  Llama uses phone masts to determine your location, so you can change your ring, vibrate and ring tones depending on where you are and the time of day. Llama provides you with sound profiles so you can quickly switch between quiet, loud sound settings, silent and normal. You can organize your family, spouse and children to ring even if your phone is set to silent
Can create events and home screen shortcuts to manage your sound profiles and more:

-Membungkam Your cell phone in the workplace
-Enable Bluetooth headset you are ready to connect you to go jogging
-Set Your phone quiet when it was late at night and you do not go out
-Start The music player when the headset is connected

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